A vital part of the technical program for the IPA conventions is the evaluation and recognition of the highest quality oral presentations and posters. In order to provide objective ratings for these papers, the Technical Program Committee in past conferences has sought the assistance of expert professionals in the industry. Given the past success of this process, the planning committee will be following the same procedure for this year’s conference.

As a recognized professional in the petrotechnical industry, the Technical Program Committee would like to extend a formal invitation to you to serve as a judge at the 46th IPA Convention & Exhibition, which will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center from 21-23 September, 2022.

By accepting this role, you will be expected to judge at least one oral presentation session, consisting of three to four papers and three poster presentations. After your confirmation letter is received, you will receive the judging assignment in accordance with your expertise and timing preference.

To register and to confirm your availbility, please click the register button provided above and complete the details by the 21st June 2022.

For your information, by volunteering to be a judge, you will receive a free entrance pass (excludes kit) to the convention and exhibition.

Thank you for helping to make the 46th IPA Convention & Exhibition a great success.